Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Block Targeted Ads From Following You Around

Not sure how effective this is.

Maybe you've seen this before: You're shopping around for a DVD, book, or gadget on Google and later that same item shows up in an ad on another website.

It's annoying. And it means companies are tracking your browsing history to show you targeted ads.

How can you stop it? Lifehacker has an extensive column on the subject, but we'll tell you one way to help get rid of it.

Several major online advertising companies have joined together to give users the option to avoid targeted ads while browsing.

If you want them to stop tracking your browsing history, head over to, a site that will let you opt out of ads from 60 different companies.

The site adds a cookie to your browser that will keep your history a secret. Just check the box next to each company you want to block and click "submit."


Monday, February 14, 2011

Stanford researchers develop new wireless technology for faster, more efficient networks

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Radio traffic can flow in only one direction at a time on a specific frequency, hence the frequent use of "over" by pilots and air traffic controllers, walkie-talkie users and emergency personnel as they take turns speaking.

But now, Stanford researchers have developed the first wireless radios that can send and receive signals at the same time.

This immediately makes them twice as fast as existing technology, and with further tweaking will likely lead to even faster and more efficient networks in the future.

"Textbooks say you can't do it," said Philip Levis, assistant professor of computer science and of electrical engineering. "The new system completely reworks our assumptions about how wireless networks can be designed," he said.

Cell phone networks allow users to talk and listen simultaneously, but they use a work-around that is expensive and requires careful planning, making the technique less feasible for other wireless networks, including Wi-Fi.

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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Yes, The Khan Academy IS the Future of Education

Damn, I'm really surprised, the quality of this software has shot up tremendously. There's so much fun and learning, all for free. It's the real too good to be true but it is true :) Watch the video at the source.

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I’m just going to come out and say it: the Khan Academy is the best thing that has happened to education since Socrates. The brainchild of Salman Khan, the Khan Academy became famous by teaching simple math lessons for free through over 2000 YouTube videos. Now, after millions in donations and an expansion of the company, the academy is so much more. The website for the Khan Academy already had exercises you could use to test your understanding of the videos you just watched, but in the past few weeks the website has exploded with wonderful new features.
Khan Academy
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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hunters spot 90 potential new planets

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Online stargazers have reported 90 potential new planets to Oxford University's planet seekers' website. was set up by Oxford’s Department of Physics to test NASA's Kepler project which is searching for planets in the 'Goldilocks zone', the region around a star in which planets can have liquid water and are neither too hot nor too cold for life to exist.

Kepler planets
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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Barack Obama affirms his Christianity


US president told national prayer breakfast in Washington that he prays for the Middle East – and his 12-year-old, Malia

It's fair to say that Barack Obama has more on his plate than most people. But today Obama admitted that when he kneels to pray for help, it is not always on the weightiest affairs of state.

The US president told the national prayer breakfast in Washington that he prays for peace in the Middle East – and that he also asks for God's assistance with his 12-year-old daughter, Malia.

"Lord, give me patience as I watch Malia go to her first dance, where there will be boys. Lord, let her skirt get longer as she travels to that place," Obama recounted.

Obama's speech today was laced with Biblical references in his most public affirmation of his faith. With many Americans under the illusion that he might be a covert Muslim, Obama explained: "I came to know Jesus Christ for myself and embrace him as my Lord and Saviour."


Pakistan village renamed in honour of UK charity

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A village in Pakistan devastated by flooding has been renamed Midlands after a West Midlands charity raised money to help rebuild it.

Walsall-based Midland International Aid Trust raised £113,000 to help the 20 million people thought to be affected by the monsoon floods last year.

The village of Lal Pir, now named Midlands, had been cut off by water.

Mohammed Aslam MBE, the trust's founder, has been visiting the country to oversee how the aid is spent.

Mr Aslam, 71, originally from Kashmir, said he wanted to make sure every penny of aid went to the people living in the region.

Villagers In Lal Pir rebuilt their homes with tools provided by the Midland charity
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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Homegrown terrorists are not just Muslims -

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Today’s terrorists do not share a particular ethnic, educational or socioeconomic background. Recently, when state law enforcement agencies were asked to identify terror groups in their states, Muslim extremist groups ranked 11th on a list of 18.

Law enforcement agencies identified neo-Nazis, environmental extremists and anti-tax groups as more prevalent than Muslim terrorist organizations. The sophisticated explosive device found along a parade route in Washington on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, an act of domestic terrorism clearly motivated by racist ideology, should prove that other groups are just as willing and able to carry out horrific attacks on Americans.

Men pray in the prayer hall at the Islamic Cultural Center of New York. | AP Photo
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